
Published Apr 20, 2017


Desde la energía solar y eólica, hasta la creación de employeo y reducción de la contaminación¿cuáles estados impulse la energía limpia en EE.UU y son ejemplo a seguir? Lea el resumen ejecutivo y nuestra entrada de blog en español.

Sometimes progress is easy to see. Such is the case with clean energy, as wind, solar, 能源效率项目继续发展和扩大.

但是进步究竟发生在哪里呢? 哪些州正在推动清洁能源,以何种方式?

Our Clean Energy Momentum 各州排名考察了清洁能源领先地位背后的数据. 使用一组12个易于理解的指标, 我们发现,多个州明显是赢家, including California, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Hawaii, and others—not all of whom are expected.

Clean energy winners

  • California is a clear clean energy leader, and a well-rounded one, 在我们的12项指标中,有8项排名前10.
  • 西海岸总体表现良好: Hawaii, Oregon and Washington all appear in our overall top 10.
  • Vermont secures second place, 部分原因是它提供了全国最多的人均清洁能源517888九五至尊娱乐岗位.
  • Other Northeast winners include Massachusetts在能源效率、清洁能源就业、太阳能等方面表现强劲 Rhode Island美国在节能、可再生能源和617888九五至尊娱乐政策方面表现出色. Maine and New York also perform well.
  • Iowa rounds out the top 10, 这主要是由于政府为企业购买可再生能源提供了便利. Other Heartland standouts include Minnesota,在能源效益措施方面表现良好; South Dakota, with the country’s highest renewables portion of in-state generation; and Kansas该州的可再生能源发电量增幅居全美之首. 


记分卡从广泛的角度和时间尺度考虑国家领导. The goal? 对哪些州正在推动清洁能源的发展有一个清晰、多维的认识.

该分析使用几个度量来测量动量, including clean energy job creation, power plant pollution reduction, and each state’s use of renewables, efficiency, and electric vehicles. 其他指标则认为清洁能源和617888九五至尊娱乐政策可能会保持增长势头.

For each of the 12 metrics, the top-performing state received a 10, the bottom state received a zero, 其他人则根据他们相对于这两个基准的位置进行评分.

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